And so it was when we,'s founders (that's us up there), set out to find a free honeymoon registry . You see, we already had a home full of housewares. We just wanted one FANTASTIC honeymoon—half way around the world in Fiji.
We researched almost a dozen honeymoon registry services. To our dismay, it seemed high fees and expensive travel bookings were inevitable. Until we had an idea to build our own honeymoon registry —
A simple web page where guests could select a gift, print a certificate and bring it to the wedding along with cash or check.
We raised more than $5,100 , donated 10 percent to charity (which made us feel really good about ourselves, and by the way, was near the amount we would have paid in fees) and enjoyed the honeymoon trip of a lifetime.
Soon after, we realized something unsettling.
And in large part it's due to lack of funds. Maybe it's because couples save less than ever before (perhaps that house full of stuff is the culprit?), or maybe because couples now shoulder a larger share of the cost of their wedding. Either way...
Our wedding day went by so fast—it was our honeymoon that created lasting memories of that magical time. In Fiji we were together at last, hand in hand, exploring the world—everyone should experience that! Without paying high registry fees.
We hope it helps make your honeymoon happen!